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Join the Association

The Fulton Chain of Lakes Association is dedicated to providing information about water quality and boating safety on the lakes. Your support empowers us to continue our efforts in preserving the natural beauty of the lakes and ensuring a safe boating environment for everyone. Join us in making a difference today.

Consider an annual membership and /or donation. The FCLA is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization so your donations are tax free.


$10.00 Basic 

$25.00 Family

$35.00 Sponsor

$50.00 Friend of the Lakes

$100.00 Patron

Ways to Support



Fulton Chain of Lakes Association

P O Box 564

Old Forge, NY 13420

Online Donation

Please add 3% to your transaction for the credit card processing fee to ensure the FCLA realizes your full donation. 


 Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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